Sunday, October 31, 2004
English II Archives Week of October 25 - October 29, 2004
Friday, October 29, 2004

I. Hand in Vocabulary worksheet
II. Vocab #4 Quiz & LOTF Chapters 1 - 7 Test
III. Postcard Presentations Continued.
Evaluate your classmates while they are presenting.
IV. Continue watching LOTF DVD if time permits
Thursday, October 28, 2004
I. Warm-Up Journal # 11 (Per. 2), #12 (Per. 4), #13 (Period 5)
"Describe the importance of standing up for what you
believe is morally right, even when it seems that you
may be the only one in favor of it." (Give examples)
II. Review for Vocab #4 Quiz & LOTF Chapters 1 - 7 Test
III. Postcard Presentations. Evaluate your
classmates while they are presenting
I. Study for Vocab #4 Quiz & LOTF Chapters 1 - 7 Test
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
I. Educational Planning Guide distribution by
Guidance Department (First 20 Minutes of class)
II. Have Vocabulary #4 Handout Stamped
Turn in Friday, 10/29 before Vocab Quiz
III. Postcard Presentations
Evaluate your classmates while they are presenting (See handout)
Study Questions LOTF Chapter 8 - Due Thursday, 10/28
1. Who calls the assembly to discuss the beast?
2. What lie does Jack tell the others at the assembly?
3. What does Jack do before he leaves the assembly?
4. What is Piggy’s radical idea concerning the fire?
5. What feast does Piggy supply for Ralph
and the fire builders?
6. How does Roger help in killing the sow?
7. What do the boys do with the pig after they kill it?
8. Who converses with the pig’s head about the
nature of the beast?
9. What does Jack’s raiding party steal?
10. When Simon sees the Lord of the Flies, Golding
writes that his “gaze was held by that ancient inescapable
recognition” What recognition is Golding referring to?
Vocabulary #4 Quiz and LOTF Test Chapters 1- 7
Friday, 10/29
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
“There isn’t anyone to help you. Only me. And I’m the Beast . . .
Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill!”

I. Hand in LOTF Crossword Puzzle
(Was DOL #11, Period 5 & DOL # 13, Per. 2 & 4)
II. Copy Notes
LOTF Chapter 8
A. Once the boys, having mistaken the dead parachutist for a monster,
come to believe fully in the existence of the beast, all the remaining
power of civilization and culture on the island diminishes rapidly.
In a world wherethe beast is real, rules and morals become weak
and utterly dispensable.The original democracy Ralph leads devolves
into a cult-like totalitarianism,with Jack as a tyrant and the beast as both
an enemy and a revered god.We see the depth of the boys’ growing devotion
to the idea of the beast intheir impalement of the sow’s head on the stake as
an offering to the beast.No longer simply a childish nightmare, the beast
assumes a primal, religiousimportance in the boys’ lives. Jack uses the
beast ingeniously to rule his savagekingdom, and each important character
in Lord of the Flies struggle to come toterms with the beast. Piggy, who
remains steadfastly scientific and rational atthis point in the novel, is simply
baffled and disgusted. Ralph, who has seenwhat he thinks is the beast, is
listless and depressed, unsure of how to reconcilehis civilized ideals with
the sight he saw on the mountaintop.
B. Arguably the most important scene in the novel, LOTF
(the title of Beelzebub, a demon from Hell) is when the Pig's Head speaks to
Simon inside of his mind and warns him that he is a threat and "is not wanted
on this island." The threat stems perhaps from his goodness and inability to be
transformed into a hunter as the other choirboys had been. For his resistance,
Simon must die!
Presumably, this is the voice of the beast within him that speaks; it is that very
same "sickly part" of the human he had envisioned earlier. Being the most
religiously good of the boys, he is understandably an obstacle in order for
the primal, wicked aspects of the boys to come into full control.
Some critics have interpreted the scene as a retelling of Jesus’ confrontation
with Satan during his forty days in the wilderness and have described Simon
as a Christ figure. He has a mystical connection to the environment, possesses
a saintly and selfless disposition, and meets a tragic and sacrificial death.
Simon’s terror and fainting spell indicate the horrific, persuasive power of the
instinct for chaos and savagery that the Lord of the Flies represents.
C. “There isn’t anyone to help you. Only me. And I’m the Beast . . .
Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill!”
The Lord of the Flies speaks these lines to Simon in Chapter 8, during
Simon’s vision in the glade. These words confirm Simon’s speculation
in Chapter 5 that perhaps the beast is only the boys themselves. This idea
of the evil on the island being within the boys is central to the novel’s exploration
of innate human savagery. The Lord of the Flies identifies itself as the beast
and acknowledges to Simon that it exists within all human beings: “You knew,
didn’t you? I’m part of you?” The creature’s grotesque language and bizarre
appropriation of the boys’ slang (“I’m the reason why it’s no go”) makes the
creature appear even more hideous and devilish, for he taunts Simon with
the same colloquial, familiar language the boys use themselves. Simon,
startled by his discovery, tries to convey it to the rest of the boys, but the
evil and savagery within them boils to the surface, as they mistake him for
the beast itself, set upon him, and kill him.
III. Review LOTF Chapter 8
IV. LOTF Post Card Presentations
Evaluate your classmates while they are presenting (See handout)
Read LOTF Chapter 8 - Complete by Wednesday 10/27
Monday, October 25, 2004

I. Warm Up - Lord of the Flies Crossword Puzzle - DOL #11 (Period 5) DOL # 13 (Per. 2 & 4)
II. Have Post Cards (2) Stamped. Be prepared to
present your post cards to the class begining Tue, 10/26
III. Vocabulary #4 Handout - Quiz, Friday 10/29
IV. Activity: Break up into groups of no more than four
Review Lord of the Flies Notes and make up a Test
for Chapters 1 - 7 Due at end of period 10/25
The test should have four sections:
Matching, true/false, short answer, and essay.
Write five questions for each section (including the answers).
I. Define Vocabulary Words - Have assignment stamped on
Wed. 10/27. Turn in Friday, 10/29 before Vocab Quiz
I. Lord of the Flies Story Test and Vocab Quiz, Friday 10/29